
Hi there.

I’m terrible at keeping in touch with the people I care about, and it makes me sad.

If you’re bad at this too, you might like Queue!


Maker of Queue. A nice, simple, personal CRM.

Want to try it?

Queue is free for the first week!

Download on the App Store

Want to know more?

Scroll down for the basics! I’ve kept this short and sweet because making a fancy website takes time away from making my relationships happy and healthy.


It all starts with the people you’d like to have in your life more often.

iPhone Contacts
Google Calendar

Queue helps you keep in touch with people on a regular basis, and it’s really easy to import them from your Google Calendar meetings, Gmail threads, Twitter following (coming soon), and iPhone contacts. These are some of the real friends, family, and former colleagues I tend to neglect!


Queue keeps track of how long it’s been since you last caught up.

Your queue is always sorted by who’s next for a catch up, and people are automatically sent down the queue when we see a catch up on your Google Calendar or you record one manually in the app.


You’ll get reminders to reach out and prompts to reflect.

Time to catch up with Rohini!It’s now been three months.
Have you heard from Steph?They were due last week.
It’s Craig’s birthday today.Remember to send a message.

I work really hard to make sure these are helpful and not annoying. If they aren’t right for you, let me know! It’s just software. I can change it.

A note about privacy.

Your contact and catch up data is sensitive and private, and I’ll never sell it or show you an ad, ever. Instead, I’ll be charging money for Queue so that I can pay my rent with a clean conscience. If you’ve got questions, email me any time at jeremy@queue.community.

Give it a try!

It’s a nice, simple, personal CRM. And you can always delete it.

Download on the App Store